This cluster
of four Cable Stitches lies across 4 pleats.
Sometimes the center of the cluster is filled with a French
Knot in a contrasting color.
Finished Stitch :
Step 1
- Stitch a Down Cable across pleats #1 and #2,
then an Up Cable picking up pleat #3. Step 2 - Insert the needle at the point where you
would to complete a third Cable Stitch (another Down Cable),
but angle the needle slightly. Stitch through 3 pleats,
exiting on the left side of pleat #2, just below the first
Cable Stitch.
Step 3
- Stitch a Down Cable between pleats #2 and #3, with the
needle exiting the left side of pleat #3 in the center
of the cluster.
Step 4
- Plnge the needle directly down the center of the cluster
and tie off in the back.
Fill the center with a French Knot over
two pleats, in a contrasting color floss